Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tracy Aviary

This past Friday we went with the girls to Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park in Salt Lake. None of us had ever been before and Molly's school gave us a free family admission. It was really neat! We only had about 30 minutes before they closed, so we had to move pretty quickly, but we had a fun time!

Pictured above is a golden eagle.
They also had a bald eagle.

The girls were very fascinated!

I love these pictures of Molly. The peacocks were just walking around wherever they wanted. At first Molly asked if she could go and pet it. We said probably not, but she could get close.

She was a bit unsure once she was closer!!

And Ali was too!

They had some beautiful Chilean flamingos! Molly was really excited to see them. The picture doesn't do justice to how bright they were.

Some of the colors of these birds were so vibrant and pretty! A lot of the birds we had never heard of, or seen before for that matter!

The toucan was so bright!

Our little birdies :)

They had an area called "Owl Forest"with several different kinds of owls. It was neat to see the different sizes of owls.

I don't know if you can see it, but this owl has a dead mouse he's holding in his mouth! Molly was pretty upset when she realized that this was their food!

It's kind of a big loop around and we made it through the whole loop by the time they closed. If we had had more days to use the pass, we would have tried a different time, but this was our best chance. It was actually much neater than I had thought it would be. And there were more birds than I thought. Justin and I were pretty impressed! If you have a chance, you should check it out!


Meg said...

I've wondered about this place, we'll have to check it out!!

Jeff and Kathryn said...

Looks like fun but I thought you might be posting about your baby!! I guess it may be a couple more weeks. Good luck!