Last Saturday we had some fresh snow and Justin had just finished up lots of school work, so we went sledding at a nearby park. The girls lasted about an hour and we had fun!

Molly and I decided to go first.

Pretty fun she thought! She wanted to go once by herself on a bigger hill, so we let her, but she got turned around and that was the last time she tried that!

Justin and Alison taking a turn

Molly was so helpful in pushing them!

Ali was a bit tired, so we couldn't really tell if she liked it or not! But she was a good sport. Lately she loves to lean her head way back and for you to tickle her neck. She thinks it's hilarious and we love it too because we get to hear her cute laugh! She loves to be swung and thrown in the air. She's gonna like roller coasters like her mama!!

All together :)
how fun! I love sledding!
Molly always seems to have a sweet little mischievous look on her face! She cracks me up.
How fun! The girls have been begging to go sledding. I obviously can't go and BJ's been so busy. Oh well, let's hope they have enough snow and hills in Kentucky to do it next year! :)
I'm jealous! I want to go sledding :) It looks like Molly had a lot of fun! And ya were you surprised that i had a post ha ha .....I'm going to try to get better at blogging! And yes we're glad we sold our apartment contract,but now we're ready for a to move out of Rigby ha ha so we'll see what happens with mark and school!
I love snow and water pictures. They are so cute. It looks like you had fun.
So fun! And great pics by the way!
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