They called in a plastic surgeon and they gave her several shots to numb her mouth. The doctor said that he learned from his mentors that sedation was too risky in this situation, so we heard lots and lots of screaming! Justin, my dad and I all waited outside of her room while she was stitched up. Her cut is about 1 1/2 in. long and it went all the way through. It took about an hour, hour and a half to stitch it all up. All of the stitches are on the inside and are dissolvable. Luckily the cut is in a rainbow shape, so it goes with the natural lines of the skin on your chin. She also had three teeth that were shoved up into her gums. At least they are baby teeth!
She was really pretty brave the whole time and did well. Here are some pictures from yesterday, so the day after. She is really swollen!

It has been a rough few days, but we are getting through it! She has to eat soft foods which is a bit tricky, but if she eats on the right side of her mouth, she usually does ok.
holy smokes, she looks miserable! poor thing. that's crazy about the teeth. hope she feels better soon!
Poor little sweetheart. I fell when I was little on the fireplace, too, and my parents ended up getting some cushions custom made so no one else could do the same. But mine was just my nose. We feel for you, Molly!
That is so sad. I hope she is doing okay. I was figuring just a tiny cut, but I was totally wrong!
Those pictures make me want to cry!
OWWWWEEEE!!! The poor thing! I cant believe that! I hate those stupid fireplaces!
Oh, man, poor thing! That is so tough to go through, I'm sure. Did they tell you to stay outside of the room while they stitched her up? I can't decide which way I'd prefer...
Oh how sad! I bet that was hard for you to watch/hear her being stiiched up! I'm so sorry. Hope she feels better soon.
oh so sad that happened to her. i bet it was almost as hard on you as on her. :( i hope she's doing better by now! best wishes to her.
Poor Molly! That is no fun! Been there done that, but I was a lot older.
That is sad! I'm not looking forward to stitches ever! I hope she is feeling better!
Breaks my heart.......poor little girl, and MOM, it's almost just as hard on "us"
Kids are really resilient and I'm sure she'll be bouncing off the walls again soon, just hoping not INTO the fireplace again.....EVER!!!!!!
Hang in there, she is still of course BEAUTIFUL and always will be.
Oh man! I'm so sorry--for you and her! Like Natalie said, I think it's almost as hard on the parents as it is on the kids when they go through something like that. I hope she gets feeling back to normal soon.
Wow that looks so painful! Poor Molly, I hope it heals quickly.
Oh my goodness!!! Poor Molly! That is so hard! I remember when Ari got his stitches and it was so hard to hold him down and hear him scream. Hopefully her big teeth come in soon!
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