This year Molly decided she wanted to play softball. It really was all her doing. A while back I asked the girls if they wanted to play soccer or dance and they chose dance.
Well in April Molly said she wanted to play softball, just out of nowhere. We were past the deadline, but there were a few spots, so we just paid a late fee and we were in :)
She is #8 for the Heat! And she is having a great time. It's coach pitch and they have 2 games a week (Tues and Wed nights). She plays with Kaysville city, which is just north of us. They practice for about 15-30 mins right before each game. Right now they get to hit the ball, and then run all of the bases, but the rules aren't really in force for now. If they don't hit the pitches from the coach, they hit the ball off the tee.
Pretty exciting! Molly is doing a great job and usually hits the coaches pitches! Alison and Jackson have fun going to the games and running around and playing with little friends they've made. There are technically 13 girls on her team. Obviously not all of them made it for the picture. (And I confess, I took these pictures myself because I wasn't going to pay for a copy from them since they would have been destroyed in a few seconds anyway!)