Some exciting news is that last week Justin had his swearing in ceremony for the Utah Bar. His parents came (mine were out of town), I had a babysitter for the girls and the baby came with us. It was at Abravanel Hall in downtown SLC and was very nice. It was short and sweet and they had hors d'ouerves (yes I just looked up how to spell that) after. They had a couple of speakers and then recited all of the names. He picked up a big packet afterwards and amongst other papers and certificates, he received his official Utah State Bar card showing him as active and licensed! Hooray! I forgot my camera (bummer), but took a picture of him with his parents and Jackson but it's on his phone, so I don't have it yet.
Molly threw up at about midnight last night and I think she has the 24 hour flu. She had a fever this morning but is feeling better now. So much for the flu mist a week or two ago! (Although I did read that you get it so that the effects of the flu aren't maybe it has helped?)
Ali is in the thick of the terrible 2's! If you do anything she wanted to do herself, she has a total meltdown. It is so awful and I feel like I can't take her anywhere because I have on idea how she will react. It's like we walk on pins and needles around her. I can't wait for this stage to be OVER!!
Jackson is doing great and has slept in until 6:20 am the past few days. He has learned to lick and smack his lips. It's pretty funny. He also likes to bite me when I'm nursing him! No! Even though he doesn't have teeth, his gums come down hard and don't like to give up. He will be 5 months old in a few days! Wow.
We have been having lovely weather, but today is the first day of the cold front. It's all windy, overcast and kind of rainy outside. I haven't been out and don't feel like I need to go anywhere! I head to Chicago on Thursday of this week (well really Milwaukee first and then Friday to Chicago) and unfortunately we are brining this weather with us. We are planning on pretty cold at around 50 degrees and rainy on and off. Boo. Oh well. We still plan to have lots of FUN!
I have been working on a Halloween quilt! My mom bought the fabric for all of her daughters years ago and I've had the blocks for a few years and I'm finally working on finishing it. It feels really nice to have something to sew and do again! I almost have the top finished at this point. I have to add borders, then have it quilted and finally bind it. I also need to get the fabric to start Jackson's stocking. That's next on the list.
P.S. I got a babysitter on Friday night and Justin, me and the baby ate at Chili's. It was the worst service ever! It was like our servers totally forgot about us. It made me so mad! I paid for a crappy, slow meal and paid my babysitter who watched my kids for us too. Not cool.