Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2014

Ok you guys. I'm not sure if there is even a "guys" to be included here since I don't even look at my blog anymore! Sheesh. Just can't decide what to do about it. But since I have a minute, I thought I would update the holidays here.

Since I love to decorate, I threw in some of those pics too.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house with Nat and her family, Todd, Ryan and his family and then a couple of cute gals from my dad's singles ward came as well.

After dinner we played a fun game. Can't remember the name, but we essentially traded gift cards around. It was really fun!

We let the kiddos play too. They enjoyed it and Lexie won the pot! She got to pick which gift card went to everyone :)

As usual, everything was delicious and once again, we have more than what we need and much to be grateful for!

1 comment:

Stacie said...

I'm still reading your blog! Don't ever stop. Your kids will love it so much someday. Can you even imagine if your mom had been a blogger? I would give anything to look back on my childhood from her perspective!