Look how intent she is on watching!!
Sorry about the fan in the background...it makes it kind of hard to see the mobile, but you can tell that she's totally watching it closely!!
Lately we've had a lot of fun with Molly and music. Currently she is in a bassinet in our room next to our bed. But she does have a crib that's in our 2nd bedroom. We have a Winnie the Pooh mobile hung over the crib and we recently put her in her crib while she's been fussy and played the music on the mobile. She loves it! It calms her right down and she loves to watch it rotate around! She is at the point where she can track things with her eyes, and it's obvious in this situation!
Today we put the little singing animals that light up onto Molly's bouncer since she seemed to like the mobile so much. She liked the animals too!