I've never actually done a tag for two reasons: 1. laziness 2. usually most people that would read this already know the things about me that it wants me to talk about.
But my friend Whitney tagged me personally, by name, so what the heck? Hopefully all of this isn't totally obvious to everyone. Here goes...
1.What is your husband's name? Justin Wakefield Pendleton
2.Who eats more? Justin BY FAR!! I think maybe once or twice I've eaten more than him and it was probably when I was pregnant or he had recently eaten!!
3. Who said I love you first? Justin
4. Who is taller? Justin
5. Who is smarter? We're both smart. But I am smarter with street smarts (okay, he totally disagrees with me here, but it's true!) and he's probably smarter school wise. Although I am a good student too. He just is smarter with philosophy and all those analyzing type classes that I could care less about!
6. Who is more sensitive? Me for sure! I think I have seen Justin cry once or twice in the whole time I've known him!
7. Who does the laundry? We both actually do it. Lately since I've been a stay at home mom I've pretty much taken it over, but he'll still help out on the weekend if we have some to do.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me.
9. Who pays the bills? I do.
10. Who cooks more? Me by far! He does help with breakfast (waffles, eggs, stuff like that) and once in a great while he'll make us dinner.
11. What meals do you cook together? Breakfast and dinner...he'll help make like the side items for us for dinner sometimes. I usually am over the main dish.
12. Who is more stubborn? Hmmm, we're both pretty stubborn!
13. Who is the first to admit it when they are wrong? Justin. I tend to have a harder time quickly forgiving him!
14. Who is more clean? That's a tough one. I'd say we're about even.
15. Who has more siblings? We both have 4 siblings.
16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Me! I am boss! :)
17. What do you like to do together? We like to do anything, really. We like to watch movies, go shopping, eat out, get ice cream or treats, play games, hang out with family, play sports, etc.
18. Who eats more sweets? Good question. We both have a sweet tooth. I'm not sure who would win out. But I like sweets more and he likes chips. So I guess maybe me.
19. Guilty pleasures? We both love ice cream! And American Idol!!
20. How did you meet? We were set up on a blind date by Becky (we went to high school together) and her husband Adam (went to high school with Justin). Can you believe it actually worked?!!
21. Who asked who out first? Well we were set up, like I said. But he always asked me out from there on. He was very much the traditional courter (like as in courtship...is that a word-courter?!).
22. Who kissed who first? He kissed me.
23. Who proposed? He proposed on New Year's Eve at his new house (they hadn't quite moved in). He took me outside in the freezing cold and took me to a tree that had christmas lights on it and the ring box was hiding in the branches. He even kneeled down in the snow! (Tender, isn't it?!)
24. Best features? I love it when he smiles his big smile and I can see his dimples! He hates that he has dimples, but I love them! That's where Molly got hers.
25. What is his best quality? He would do ANYTHING for me. He is so selfless when it comes to me. He does anything and everything he can to make me happy. I have the best husband ever!
I am not going to tag anyone, but if you would like to tag yourself, I'd love to read about you!